22 September 2016

Package #DH0058536

Dear dewi.arynz1.30052010,

The package #DH0058536 you ordered has arrived today. There is some confusion in the address you provided.

Please review the address in the attached order form and confirm to us. We will deliver as soon as we receive your reply.

Gladys Stafford
DHL Express Support

06 September 2016


Hi dewi.arynz1.30052010, Von told me you have lost some of the last few months' utility bills.
So, I am sending to you the copies saved in my computer. Let me know if I sent the right receipts.

Best Regards,
Carrie Bridges

05 September 2016

Credit card receipt

Dear dewi.arynz1.30052010,

We are sending you the credit card receipt from yesterday. Please match the card number and amount.

Sincerely yours,
Elden Crosby
Account manager